Greensboro, NC
Bradley & Ball
Architects PA
First A few words
WHo Are We?

Eric Bradley
Eric is a 1978 Alumnus from the College of Architecture at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
His many years of architectural experience include all phases of commercial design and construction &
project management with specialties in schematic design, design development, construction documentation, and project supervision and administration.
Registered Architect in North Carolina
Registered Architect in North Carolina

Rick Ball
Rick graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of Tennessee in 1981. Since then, he has gained experience in all phases of commercial design and construction & project oversight with
specialties in construction documentation and administration, architectural and engineering team management, and building systems.
Registered Architect in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama
Registered Architect in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama
This is What We Do
We convert the clients programmatic needs into a well-organized plan and overall design.
What may start with a simple sketch develops into a well thought out and organized set of drawings.
What may start with a simple sketch develops into a well thought out and organized set of drawings.
We create a seamless work environment from start to completion of the project. This
includes managing the project from schematic design through construction administration.